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Children 5-6 years

Skogsmulle is the children’s friend and fantasy figure in the woods. Mulle loves to play and sing with children and tell stories about the nature. Skogsmulle is exciting for all kids at preschool age and put their fantasy in motion. With the help of games, kids discover nature and learn the most common plants and animals. During their time outdoors they will explore both small and big wonders of nature. In Skogsmulle the children’s curiosity and joy to discover is satisfied and they develop a responsibility for everything that lives. They climb, discover and learn the harmony in nature. Skogmulle is a symbol for the respect of nature.


If all current groups are unavailable, please sign up here! 

Our beloved Mulle

Skogmulle is a symbol for the respect of nature. To learn how to be careful in the small perspective makes us aware about our impact on nature and also to found an ecological understanding.