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Öppna Skogsgläntan
Children 0-2 years
Öppna skogsgläntan is for all adults with small children at home during daytime. We sing and play outdoors in all weather conditions. Grownups and children alike will have a good time in the nature together with the others in the group. Everyone will discover a new world in the local area and meet new friends.
How it works
We meet a couple of times during the term at the same place. We sing and jingle together and walk an adventure track where we will meet glove puppet animals. To finish up we have a picnic together. You need suitable clothes, a sitting cushion and some fika (a light picnic). The activity is mainly for children up to 2 years of age but older siblings usually enjoy the activity as well.
We are outside all year around so be sure to choose clothes after the weather. It's a good idea to bring some extra clothes for your child so they can enjoy playing games regardless of some mud and puddles.
Your role as adults
In Friluftsfrämjandet we let the children explore in their own pace, without to much limitations and demands. Your roll is to be your child’s guide and attendant in the nature. You have the responsibility of your own child during the activity but as a member of Friluftsfrämjandet you are covered by our insurance during the activity.
Do you want information on how to start a group on your own?
Contact one of our leaders.
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