Game: The Right to Public Access
Anyone who wants to explore nature in Sweden needs to know about the Right to Public Access. It is a tradition with roots dating back hundreds of years. Today, the universal right is so important that it is mentioned in the Swedish Constitution. But there is no law regulating what you can and cannot do. Instead, we can see it as an agreement on how to behave in nature.
With such a unique benefit, there is of course plenty to learn about it. For example, are you allowed to put up a tent in someone's horseyard? Or pick berries on someone else's land in order to sell it at the local market?
The Right of Public Access Game has been produced by Friluftsfrämjandet in collaboration with NGOs Studiefrämjandet and Sverok, with financial support from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Naturvårdsverket.
Play the game – and see what level of nature adventurer you are!
The Right to Public Access Game
Answer 10 quick questions about the Right to Public Access. Challenge your friends! Play
Contact in english
For more information please contact us at: info@friluftsframjandet.se or 08-447 44 40. Are you looking for your next adventure and would like to get in touch with us? At www.friluftsframjandet.se you will find lots of adventures – great and small, whether you long for adventures far away or just around the corner. We have something for everyone!
Contact us3 good reasons to become a member

Thousands of adventures
As a member there are thousands of outdoor activities to choose from. We have activities to suit the whole family – from forest excursions and ski classes in the local area for young children, to hiking in the mountains, kayaking adventures and longdistance skating for more experienced members.

A better society
Our aim is to make the outdoor life accessible to everyone – regardless of circumstances or ability. Friluftsfrämjandet is a strong advocate for children's health and the right to exercise through outdoor activities. We work actively to ensure an enjoyable, accessible and sustainable outdoor environment – so that we can enjoy our beautiful landscape, today as well as in the future.

Our magazine and offers for members
As a member you will receive a copy of our magazine Friluftsliv, Sweden’s largest magazine about outdoor life and adventure, four times a year. As a member you will also receive attractive offers from our partners, which will make it easier for you to buy good outdoor equipment, travel in comfort and be able to find affordable accommodation when you arrive.